I have learned a lot of valuable information and lessons that I can apply to my future career.
Name: Tytan Taliaferro
Major: Bioengineering
Employer: JHU - Applied Physics Lab
Location: Laurel, MD
How did you find the internship and what was the process like? I was actually a senior in high school at the time, and we were required to find an internship. My mentor notified me of an opportunity for a STEM sound and sonar internship at Hopkins. There was a phone interview, which I did well on; I was accepted for the internship. After working with the Lab in high school they liked me so much that they invited me to come back each summer as an intern.
What was an exciting project on which you worked? I worked on many exciting projects, however the one I enjoyed most was working on a marine mammal system which is a defense system that involves dolphins and sea lions. I had to make a mobile app for this defense system.
What was the biggest you challenge you faced during your internship? The first summer I worked there I was working on an explosive ordinance application. The bulk of the app was complete, but I wanted to include a few more features; I had only two days to finish.
Would you recommend this internship to other students? Yes, 100%. I have been working as an intern for this specific Johns Hopkins STEM sound and sonar program for 3 continuous years. I have learned a lot of valuable information and lessons that I can apply to my future career.