- Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati.
- Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati.
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati.
- Member, AAS
- Senior Member, AIAA
Astrodynamics, spacecraft attitudinal dynamics & control, numerical methods, dynamical systems, cooperative decision & control of UAVs, real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
Journal Articles
- "Communication Requirements in the Cooperative Control of Wide Area Search Munitions via Iterative Network Flow," (w/ A.G. Sparks, S.J. Rasmussen), Theory and Algorithms for Cooperative Systems, Series on Computers and Operations Research, Volume 4, pp. 311–326, ISBN 981-256-020-3, World Scientific Publishing Co., River Edge, NJ, 2004.
- "A Third-Order Analytical Solution for Relative Motion with a Circular Reference Orbit," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 51, No. 1, January–March 2003.
- "Invariant Manifold Tracking for the First-Order Nonlinear Hill's Equations," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 622–627, 2003.
- "Maintaining Periodic Trajectories with the First-Order Nonlinear Hill's Equations," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Astrodynamics, Volume 109, Part III, pp. 2415–2428, August 2001.
- "A New Kinetic Element Formulation for the Rotation of a Perturbed Mass-Asymmetric Rigid Body," (w/ D.L. Richardson), US-European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Poznań, Poland, July 2000, Journal of Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, Vol. 81, No. 1/2, pp. 13–25, September 2001.
- "A Simplified Variation of Parameters Approach to Euler's Equations of Motion for an Arbitrarily Torqued Asymmetric Rigid Body," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Astrodynamics, Volume 103, Part III, pp. 2489–2512, August 1999.
- "A Variation of Parameters Approach to Euler's Equations," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 273–276, March 1999.
- "Improved First-Order Chebyshev Methods for the Numerical Integration of First-Order Differential Equations," (w/ D.L. Richardson, D.S. Schmidt ) Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Spaceflight Mechanics, Volume 99, Part II, pp. 1533–1544, February 1998.
Conference Proceedings
- "Characterization of a Radio Frequency Space Environment Path Emulator for Evaluating Spacecraft Ranging Hardware," (w/ P.J. Baldwin, B.W. Barbee, R. Kurichh, R.J. Luquette), AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, August, 2008.
- "Expanding Hardware-in-the-Loop Formation Navigation and Control with Radio Frequency Crosslink Ranging," (w/ R.J. Luquette), International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, September, 2007.
- "Characterization of a Prototype Radio Frequency Space Environment Path Emulator for Evaluating Spacecraft Ranging Hardware," (w/ P.J. Baldwin, R. Kurichh, B.J. Naasz, R.J. Luquette), AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, August, 2007.
- "A Message Oriented Middleware for a Soft Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Spacecraft Formation Flying Testbed," (w/ D.M. Zakar, R.D. Burns, R.J. Luquette), AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, August, 2006.
- "Recent Developments in Hardware-in-the-Loop Formation Navigation and Control," (w/ R.J. Luquette), Proceedings of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Flight Mechanics Symposium, 2005.
- "Introduction to the MultiUAV2 Simulation and Its Application to Cooperative Control Research," (w/ S.J. Rasmussen, P.R. Chandler, C.J. Schumacher, A.L. Smith), Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, 2005.
- "Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Effects on the Cooperative Control of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles," (w/ S.J. Rasmussen, J.D. Redding, P.R. Chandler), AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, August, 2004.
- "Simulation Framework for Moving Cooperative Control Algorithms from Conception to Assessment," (w/ S.J. Rasmussen, K.J. Allen, P.R. Chandler, C.J. Schumacher, B.M. Stolarik, W.M. Niland), AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, August, 2004.
- "A Multiple UAV Simulation for Researchers," (w/ S.J. Rasmussen, C.S. Schulz, C.J. Schumacher, P.R. Chandler), AIAA Modeling & Simulation Technologies Conference, August, 2003.
- "Communication Requirements in the Cooperative Control of Wide Area Search Munitions via Iterative Network Flow," (w/ A.G. Sparks, S.J. Rasmussen), Fourth International Conference on Cooperative Control & Optimization, Destin, FL, November, 2003.
- "Communication Delays in the Cooperative Control of Wide Area Search Munitions via Iterative Network Flow," (w/ C.J. Schumacher, P.R. Chandler, S.J. Rasmussen), AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, August, 2003.
- "Optimal vs. Heuristic Assignment of Cooperative Autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicles," (w/ S.J. Rasmussen, P.R. Chandler, C.J. Schumacher, A.G. Sparks), AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, August, 2003.
- "On the Control of In-Plane Spacecraft Relative Motion," (w/ D.L. Richardson), Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, pp. 730–731, Arlington, Virginia, 2001.