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Showing 14 articles with tag 'robo raven'
Maryland Robotics Center team demonstrates robots at 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting
AAAS Fellow Dinesh Manocha interviewed; Robo Raven, Robo Crab and Tiny Terps shown to meeting participants.
Maryland Robotics Center students participate in FAA STEM outreach event
Two robotics graduate students demonstrated the bio-inspired robots Robo Raven and Robo Crab.
Maryland Robotics Center demonstrates robots at Maryland Day 2016
Visitors could interact with a wide variety of robots, and learn how they were made and programmed.
What an upgrade!
Robo Raven V has propellers, can carry more weight, and sports a grip-and-release claw.
Bio-inspired robots invade Aspen Hill Library
NaviGator, Robo Terp III, SUR Hand and Robo Raven V delight teens and parents.
Robo Raven on Display at a Major International Design Exhibit in France
Robo Raven on Display at a Major International Design Exhibit in France
Bio-inspired robots storm local library
UMD researchers demonstrated robots that can fly, swim, walk, and even climb stairs.
Robo Raven appears on 60 Minutes
Segment explores the domestic use of micro air vehicles.
Robo Raven highlighted in children's magazine
Les Explorateurs features cartoon depiction of the MAV.
REU in Miniature Robotics holds final project symposium
Nine projects range from wings for MAVs to vision sensors for small robots to small grasping hands.
New Robo Raven video highlights aerobatic moves
Two Robo Raven UAVs demonstrate their versatility and agility in new YouTube video.
Robo Raven flies live on Fox 5 TV
Research team demonstrates breakthrough MAV technology
Luke Roberts awarded NSF Graduate Fellowship
Ph.D. student is part of the Robo Raven project.
Pioneering flight of ‘Robo Raven’ is major breakthrough for micro air vehicles
Robotic bird's independently controllable wings makes more realistic flight maneuvers possible.
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