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Showing 7 articles with tag 'nsf'
Abhinav Shrivastava Receives NSF CAREER Award to Advance Computers’ Understanding of Temporal Phenomena
Abhinav Shrivastava Receives NSF CAREER Award to Advance Computers’ Understanding of Temporal Phenomena
Fuge Receives NSF CAREER Award
Funded research will explore new algorithms that learn how to design complex systems.
Shoukry Wins NSF CAREER Award
The project will explore new mathematical techniques that provide a scientific basis for understanding fundamental properties of cyber-physical systems controlled by artificial intelligence.
Researchers part of two NSF Neural & Cognitive Systems grants worth more than $1.2 million
The NSF awards have been issued to U.S. cross-disciplinary teams to conduct innovative research focused on neural and cognitive systems.
Sarah Bergbreiter wins NSF CAREER Award
Grant supports development of legs that can move microrobots quickly over rough terrain.
Synchronized Swimming for Submarines
Paley studies schooling fish to improve motion coordination in unmanned vehicle teams.
Paley Wins NSF CAREER Award
Research will develop bio-inspired motion algorithms for autonomous vehicles.
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