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Showing 6 articles with tag 'mechanical engineering'
$100,000 investment from Amazon to power Clark School initiatives in diversity, robotics research and education
Beneficiaries include two Ph.D. fellowships in robotics, the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering, a robotics capstone course, the Black Engineers Society and the Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers.
Nikhil Chopra Promoted to Full Professor
Maryland Robotics Center Congratulates Dr. Nikhil Chopra.
Fuge Receives NSF CAREER Award
Funded research will explore new algorithms that learn how to design complex systems.
Raising the Bar on Precision
The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot has performed better at cutting soft tissue and stitching it up than experienced surgeons.
UMD Hosts 3D Maryland Expert Group Meeting
Event Highlights 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing Technologies at UMD
Bergbreiter's Robotics Research Featured in NSF's Science Nation
'As fast as their tiny 'bot' legs will carry them! Micro-robots, smaller than a penny, could one day swarm to the rescue.'
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