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Showing 7 articles with tag 'artificial intelligence'
$1M DARPA Award to Support AI Research
$1M DARPA Award to Support AI ResearchBy Maryland Today Staff / Nov 25, 2019
Advancing Healthcare through Robotics and Machine Learning
You may not be able to see undiagnosed, internal hemorrhagic bleeding ... but a robot can.
Machine Learning's Translational Medicine
Axel Krieger, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, specializes in medical robotics and computer vision.
Do Good Robotics Symposium to explore technologies that benefit society and the planet
The Maryland Robotics Center is holding the two-day event Oct 3–4.
Shoukry, Krishnaprasad receive NSF grant for resilient-by-cognition cyber-physical systems
The researchers will equip autonomous systems with an additional layer of intelligence to improve safety and resilience.
New affiliate faculty Mark Fuge is expert in machine learning and artificial intelligence
Fuge mentored 'Oyster Boys,' developers of underwater microphone to sense illegal oyster dredging.
Study validates face recognition experts, but shows humans perform best with an AI partner
New research combines computer vision research, forensic science, and psychology.
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