Looking Ahead to Maryland 2050: Living in Our Environment
Professors Deborah Goodings, Glenn Moglen, Gerry Galloway were part of a faculty team that developed and then participated in the 4 December workshop
Professors Deborah Goodings, Glenn Moglen, Gerry Galloway were part of a faculty team that developed and then participated in a 4 December workshop, Looking Ahead to Maryland 2050: Living in Our Environment. The workshop brought together physical, engineering, natural, social and health sciences faculty and researchers from College Park and the Maryland System to represent diverse perspectives on environmental research. The goal of the workshop was the fostering of interdisciplinary and long range thinking about environment-related issues that Maryland is likely to undergo over the next four decades, and the exploration of issues central to both protecting Maryland’s environmental future and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. The workshop will provide the basis for a report and discussions in 2007 to engage non-academic institutions and decision-makers in expanding research and developing new solutions to these critical issues. Goodings was a member of the organizing group and moderated a workshop session; Moglen led and reported on a breakout discussion group, and Galloway briefed the workshop on water challenges facing the State.
Published December 20, 2006