A unified approach to ranking in probabilistic databases

TitleA unified approach to ranking in probabilistic databases
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsLi J, Saha B, Deshpande A
JournalThe VLDB Journal
Pagination249 - 275
Date Published2011/04//
ISBN Number1066-8888
KeywordsApproximation techniques, Graphical models, Learning to rank, Probabilistic databases, Ranking

Ranking is a fundamental operation in data analysis and decision support and plays an even more crucial role if the dataset being explored exhibits uncertainty. This has led to much work in understanding how to rank the tuples in a probabilistic dataset in recent years. In this article, we present a unified approach to ranking and top-k query processing in probabilistic databases by viewing it as a multi-criterion optimization problem and by deriving a set of features that capture the key properties of a probabilistic dataset that dictate the ranked result. We contend that a single, specific ranking function may not suffice for probabilistic databases, and we instead propose two parameterized ranking functions, called PRF ¿ and PRF e, that generalize or can approximate many of the previously proposed ranking functions. We present novel generating functions-based algorithms for efficiently ranking large datasets according to these ranking functions, even if the datasets exhibit complex correlations modeled using probabilistic and/xor trees or Markov networks. We further propose that the parameters of the ranking function be learned from user preferences, and we develop an approach to learn those parameters. Finally, we present a comprehensive experimental study that illustrates the effectiveness of our parameterized ranking functions, especially PRF e, at approximating other ranking functions and the scalability of our proposed algorithms for exact or approximate ranking.
