To manage your list you will need to obtain a personal Listserv Password. The password is associated with the address you pick as the list owner address. You only need to do this once per owner address no matter how many lists you own or access on the server.
For more information, see Sign into UMD Listserv.
To register your password, send mail to with the body of the message containing:
PW ADD newpassword
where newpassword is replaced by your choice of password. Listserv will request a confirmation by sending you mail. Replying OK to that mail will complete the process. Password can contain the following characters: A-Z 0-9 $#@_-?!|% and should not be longer than 30 characters. If you prefer to use the web to set your personal Listserv Password, point your web browser at the Registering your LISTSERV Password page.
If you already have a LISTSERV password and wish to change it, you'll first need to delete the current password prior to changing it. Send the:
command to the LISTSERV server. This will reply to you via email to confirm, either by clicking on the enclosed link or by replying with the word ok (without the quotes) in the body of the mail to complete the process. Once you've done this, you can then issue the PW ADD command (and confirm) as explained above.
If you have problems with LISTSERV passwords or confusion regarding under which email address you subscribe or administer, send email to