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The purpose of the Kuali Build form is to facilitate applicants obtaining ORA's certification on behalf of UMD as the Institutional Business Official as part of the NIH LRP application process.

From: Takeia M. Bradley <>
Date: Fri, May 17, 2024 at 12:30 PM
Subject: NIH Loan Repayment Programs Kuali Build Form
To: <>

Dear Colleagues,

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) has launched a new routing form in Kuali Build (KB) labeled UMD NIH LRP. The purpose of the UMD NIH LRP KB form is to facilitate applicants obtaining the Institutional Business Official (IBO) certification as part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) application process. ORA is the designated IBO, as defined in NIH guidelines, on behalf of the University of Maryland.  

The LRPs are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. LRPs can repay up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt for those who are eligible and agree to perform NIH mission-relevant research. 

The LRP application period opens annually on September 1 and closes on November 16. The attached brochure provides information about the programs. Additional resources are also available, such as this three-minute video which provides a brief overview.  More information and links to initiate an LRP application can be found on the LRP Website

NIH’s Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) is used to submit LRP applications. Applicants must have an eRA Commons ID with the Principal Investigator (PI) role affiliated with UMD. Applicants are responsible for completing, reviewing, and submitting their LRP application directly. LRP applications should no longer be routed to ORA in Kuali Research (KR) to obtain the IBO certification. ORA is not authorized to review or submit LRP applications in ASSIST.  

Either the department administrator or applicant may initiate routing the authorization form in KB to obtain both internal Department Chair approval and IBO certification in eRA Commons. Please see attached instructions explaining the process for completing the UMD NIH LRP KB form and routing it to ORA.


Takeia M. Bradley, CRA
Associate Director, Contracts and Agreements Office of Research Administration
University of Maryland | 7809 Regents Drive, 3112 Lee Bldg |College Park, MD 20742
P 301-405-8061| F 301-314-9569 | |
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