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Customer Service Strategy Outcomes

Short-term (FY24 and FY25):

  • All staff trained in customer service
  • Staff are aware of the importance of customer service
  • Customers are aware of FM services
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are developed
  • Customers are trained or have received information on FM services
  • Expectations from customer service training are put into practice by FM staff
  • Staff are motivated by recognition for customer service accomplishments
  • Supervisors understand how to model the way

Intermediate (FY26 and FY27):

  • FM staff communicate (written, oral) using learned customer service standards
  • All staff recognize customer service as part of their job
  • Customer service outcomes are integrated into the PRD process and in all job descriptions
  • Customer Service is performance management priority 
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met 50% of the time
  • Customers can find information on the services FM provides
  • Customers can find a key point of contact when needed
  • FM has an established process for dealing with customer feedback
  • Staff are recognized for providing excellent customer service

Long-term (5 years):

  • The campus feels supported by and in collaboration with Facilities Management
  • Projects are completed on time and on budget 80% of the time
  • There is a culture of customer service in Facilities Management
  • Customer evaluations are at or above “meeting expectations”
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met 80% of the time
  • Staff feel more connected to the mission of FM and the University of Maryland
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