Selected Research Reports
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Groth, K. M., Smith, R., and Moradi, R. Dec. 2018, Exploration of methods for using sacadadata to estimate heps: Final report, University of Maryland, Center for Risk and Reliability, CollegePark, MD, SyRRA2018-001.
Technical Basis for Regulatory Guidance on the Alternative PTS Rule (10 CFR 50.61a), Gary L. Stevens, Mark T. Kirk. Mohammad Modarres, NUREG-2163, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2014).
Food Safety Risk Communication Primer, N. Eisenberg, B. Silverberg, M. Modarres, Center for Technology Risk Studies, June 2001
Integrated Risk and Performance-Based Analysis Software: Phase-I Development, M. Modarres, H. Hadavi, and T. Wu, Empire State Energy Research Corporation, Report EP 97 - 11, May 1999.
Integrated Thermal Hydraulic Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment for Safety Evaluation and Scenario Screening of the AP600 Reactor, Y. Guan, F. Li, R. Alamsyah, and M. Modarres, Scientech, Inc., and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1998
A Method of Assessing Influence of Organization on Plant Safety with Application to Performance Indicator Evaluation, A. Mosleh, M. Modarres, E. Golfeiz, U.S. NRC, 1997.
Consideration of Uncertainties in Risk-Informed Decisions, M. Modarres, A. Mosleh, Prepared for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 1997.
Functional Specifications for a PRA-Based Decision-Making Tool, Fl. Specter, M. Modarres, Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation, Report No. EP 95-14, April 1996.
Application of Master Plant Logic Diagram in New Production Reactors, J. Meyer, H. Dezfuli, D. Chung and M. Modarres, Scientech, Inc., Performed for the Department of Energy, 1991.
Individual Plant Examination: Submittal Guidance, NUREG-1335, Consultant Author, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jan. 1989.
Integrated Approach Methodology Handbook: A Handbook for Power Plant Assessment, M. Roush, M. Modarres, N. Hunt, D. Krops and R. Pearce, Sandia National Laboratories, Sand-87-713b, Oct. 1987.
Application of an Operator Information System Analysis to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant - Unit I, M. Roush, M. Modarres, et al., Sandia National Laboratory, ALO-1023, May 1984.
Interim Reliability Evaluation Program: Analysis of the Calvert Cliffs Unit I Nuclear Power Plant - Unit 1, M. Roush, M. Modarres, et al., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-3511, March 1984.
Interim, Reliability Evaluation Program: Analysis of the Millstone Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant, P.J. Amico, M. Modarres, et al., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-3511, March 1984.
Light Water Reactor Categorization Report, M. Modarres, E. Lois and P. Amico, Performed for Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1984.
Sequence Quantification Chapter, Section 6.5, (M. Modarres, author), in “PRA Procedures Guide”, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NUREG/CR-2300), 1983.
A Review of the Report: Precursors to Potential Severe Core Damage Accidents: 1969-1979, Performed for Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1983.