Note: To reserve ISR & ECE conference rooms you will need to sign into the Scheduling Calendar using your University email address. |
ISR room policies Because ISR rooms are heavily used, they are subject to the following policies in addition to the general policies common to all reservations. Acceptable uses of the rooms ISR rooms can be used for meetings, seminars, student defenses, and receptions or other social events. They are not intended for classroom use. Exceptions may be granted for events after 5 pm and on weekends. |
Room use by individuals and groups outside ISR Individuals and groups with no connection to ISR may reserve ISR rooms for single events only. They cannot reserve rooms for recurring, full-day, or multiple-day events. |
Cancelling events As soon as you know your event will not be held, you must use the reservation system to cancel your event and release the room. This is especially important if you are the person responsible for recurring events. If you regularly neglect to cancel, your event may be cancelled by a calendar administrator, and you may be denied the ability to book recurring events in the future. Agreement for recurring ISR events ISR-affiliated persons seeking to book recurring events in ISR rooms must agree to the cancellation responsibilities before the reservation can be approved. Requests for recurring events are not automatically approved. Post-event cleanup of rooms 1146 and 2168
Room access 1) When you make a reservation, add at least 15 minutes of time before the actual start of the event so a University ID card can be programmed to unlock the door in time for set up. [Example: The event is from 2:00-3:00 pm; you reserve the room for 1:45-3:00 pm.] 2) The UID number you give when making the reservation should be that of the person who will be opening the room. This may or may not be you. Please be responsible to your guests and respectful to ISR staff, and have someone there to open the room for your event. |
*** If the conference room is booked, please see the list of other conference room spaces. |